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Boy On A Dolphin

Boy On A Dolphin
Item# SSF10092
Regular price: $24.95
Sale price: $23.20
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

Boy On A Dolphin DVD (Region 1) Widescreen. Color. Sophia Loren, Alan Ladd, Clifton Webb.

Greek sponge diver Phaedra (Sophia Loren in her English language debut) accidentally finds an ancient Greek statue of a boy riding a dolphin on the bottom of the Aegean Sea. Her efforts to sell it to the highest bidder lead her to two competing individuals – museum curator Dr. James Calder (Alan Ladd), an honest archaeologist with an academic's bankroll, and millionaire Victor Parmalee (Clifton Webb), an unscrupulous art collector. Calder is committed to seeing the statue handed over to the rightful Greek authorities. Wealthy Parmalee seeks to outwit him and add the treasure to his private collection. Phaedra throws in with Parmalee, but ends up romantically involved with Calder, with predictable complications all round. A lush, romantic classic filmed on location in the stunningly beautiful Greek isles.

Region One. North American Format. Best In The Web.