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The Thanksgiving Treasure (The Holiday Treasure)

The Thanksgiving Treasure (The Holiday Treasure)
Item# SF576578
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $25.06
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

The Thanksgiving Treasure (aka The Holiday Treasure) DVD Region 1. Color. Jason Robards, Barnard Hughes, Lisa Lucas, Mildred Natwick.

In this sequel to THE HOUSE WITHOUT A CHRISTMAS TREE, it is 1947 and heroine Addie Mills, who is being raised by her widower father and his mother, befriends a horse while she is out collecting items for an autumn bouquet for her teacher. Unfortunately, the horse belongs to a crusty old codger named Walter Rhenquist, who hates Addie's dad because a pond James Mills dug for him leaked (James had warned him it was a bad place to put a pond, but he wouldn't listen). When Addie's teacher tells the class a story about the Pilgrims befriending the Indians, she decides to befriend her dad's enemy by bringing him Thanksgiving dinner. A new friendship is the surprising result. This is a wonderfully nostalgic story that looks so authentic you would swear you were peeking into a window at 1947. The children's radio play is delightfully true to the period. With evocative cinematography and an Arthur Rubenstein score that compliments perfectly.

Region One. North American Format. Best In The Web.