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Second Sight
Product Description
Second Sight DVD (Region 1) Color. Elizabeth Montgomery, Barry Newman, Nicholas Pryor.
Elizabeth Montgomery puts in an inspiring and emotional performance as Alexandra McKay, a woman who has been blind for 20 years. Fiercely independent, Alex has learnt to live with her disability, living as normal a life has possible but at the cost of letting few people into her sheltered and private world. One such person trying to get in is Richard Chapman (Barry Newman) an art dealer. Her world is shattered when she is assaulted by a burglar - a frightening and unnerving experience that leaves her a shell of the confident person she once was. Alex seeks help for the first time in her life and it arrives in the form of Emma, a seeing-eye dog. With Emma's help Alex can start to rebuild her life and begin to let love into her heart.
Region One. North American Format. Best In The Web.