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Sleuth (1972)
Product Description
Sleuth DVD (Region 1) Year: 1972. Color. Widescreen. Michael Caine, Laurence Olivier.
Wicked, nasty, delicious fun. Laurence Olivier is a wealthy English mystery writer. He invites Michael Caine to his elaborate country house, in order to settle some rather unpleasant business between them: Caine is having an affair with Olivier's wife and she is about to divorce the older man. Olivier, smooth as brandy, suggests that there might be a way the two men can help each other but what appears to be an intriguing proposition escalates into a deadly cat-and-mouse game. Sleuth boasts a twisty script by Anthony Shaffer, calculated to drive an audience to distraction and director Joseph L. Mankiewicz (All About Eve) shows a keen eye for the telling detail. But the real fun is watching Olivier and Caine go at each other hammer and tongs, a virtuoso wrestling match between two splendid actors.
Region One. North American Format. Best In The Web.